Vincent Costel

Azurite: An alternative to Azure storage emulator

Nowadays I try to do most of my .NET development on macOS so I looked for a replacement for the Azure storage emulator, which is Windows-only.

Azurite is "a lightweight server clone of Azure Storage that simulates most of the commands supported by it with minimal dependencies". If you have Node.js installed, using npm is the easiest way to get started:

  $ npm install -g azurite

Then simply start it with the azurite command. It will store all data in the current working directory.

   _______                   _             
(_______) (_) _
_______ _____ _ _ ____ _ _| |_ _____
| ___ (___ ) | | |/ ___) (_ _) ___ |
| | | |/ __/| |_| | | | | | |_| ____|
|_| |_(_____)____/|_| |_| \__)_____)

Azurite, Version 2.6.5
A lightweight server clone of Azure Storage

Azure Table Storage Emulator listening on port 10002
Azure Queue Storage Emulator listening on port 10001
Azure Blob Storage Emulator listening on port 10000

You might want to add the following lines to your .gitignore file in order to avoid committing Azurite files to your Git repository:

  # Azurite

That's it!